
Monday, December 16, 2019

Why You Should Consider Having Motorized Solar Screens

Technology is progressing with great leaps and bounds on a daily basis. With the market and the consumers tilting towards home automation and smarter lifestyle, automated window treatment is the new fad that is here to stay!

One of the automated window treatments is motorized screens and patio enclosures. They are a step forward from average window treatments and have a lot more benefits. Here are some of the benefits that come from having motorized shades:


One of the best reasons to get a motorized screen and patio enclosure is the ability to open and close them from the comfort of the couch or the bed on a press of a button. With a simple touch of a button, the motorized shade will open and close as much as required.

This also eliminates the struggle to cover hard to reach windows and pulling the cords like the sail of a ship. They will also be adjusted to any angle to control the amount of sunlight in a room.


Dangling cords of traditional shades have the tendency to cause unwanted entanglement leading to concerning issues when there are pets or small children in the house. The cables are hazardous to children and animals.

With motorized panels, the cords are gone, which makes the house safer for the children and pets.

Help In Sleep

The motorized panels help in getting more out of your sleep than usually possible with traditional shades. These shades provide a darker room that increases the production of melatonin, which is beneficial for health.

The motorized windows can be programmed to open at specific times like an alarm clock, which helps to wake up more naturally with sunlight as opposed to the frustrating sound of an alarm clock!

Extra Privacy

When the night comes, and the indoor lights are turned on, the whole house is exposed to the outside eyes if the windows aren’t covered. As with the motorized panels, they can also be programmed to close at the set time around sunset which then automatically closes without even pressing any buttons or pulling any cords.

High Security

With advancements in home automation, the house can feel lived in, even when no one is in the house. This can act as a deterrent to burglars and prying eyes that look for empty houses. The motor shades open and close by themselves as programmed which can make the onlooker believe there is still someone in the house. Plus, it will also close by itself if you accidentally left it open and went on vacation.

Save Energy

Window treatments help a lot with saving energy of a house. With motorized solar screens, more energy can be saved in comparison to traditional ones. The motorized solar screens will be able to detect sunlight and open/close accordingly, making them highly energy-efficient.

These motorized solar screens prevent UV-rays from entering the house and keeping it well insulated, keeping the house warm in the winters and cold during the summers.

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